The Kitchen Backsplash

A whole post dedicated to the kitchen backsplash? Heck yes! Did we replace it? Nope! Please read on, it’s funny.

The kitchen backsplash was brick. Ok, not actually brick, but brick-looking panels, super thick, made of concrete. We found two sheets of this in the shed, so my quick fix idea was to buy more of these tin-look plastic tiles in copper to update the backsplash until we could get to a mini-kitchen remodel. Mini, super mini, more of a refresh. Someday.

Photo Dec 29, 11 33 01 AM.jpg

I measured the backsplash, the first time I really inspected it. It was literally held against the wall with 1-2 screws, screwed into the upper cabinet. Gotta be kidding me. Easiest uninstall ever! J and I unscrewed each piece and J carried the heavy pieces into the backyard where it became a “brick” pathway to the shed.

Ok, it wasn’t perfectly smooth - the piece by the sunroom gave us some trouble. The light switch and outlet pulled out when we pulled off the piece and sparked pretty hardcore which scared me to death. I know better than to do this stuff with the power on, but we were rushing….I know, no excuses. I shocked myself pretty badly at the Napa house not too long ago, my dad is an electrical engineer, I know better. I do.

The walls are gross and need to be sanded & primed & painted, but that won’t happen until:

  1. The wallpaper is all removed

  2. The cabinets are raised (they are ridiculously short, no idea why.)

  3. We decide on colors, style and appliances

At least they’re plain off white. I can deal with that.

Anyway, the pieces are off and we now don’t get muddy when we walk to the shed.

Megan Steffen Camero
The need for imagery in social/digital marketing is only increasing as social networks become more image-focused, like Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Tumblr and even Twitter. With the introduction of my new business, Untapped Media, I offer photography and social media marketing services using visual storytelling - photographic content for digital marketing - that brands/businesses can use to connect with consumers daily.

Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps


The West Wing Bedroom: All.The.Toile.